Get Involved

What BHVA Can Do For You
As a 501(c)(3), and completely volunteer organization, we are working under some renewed goals and initiatives to enhance and preserve the quality of life, the sense of community, and sustain the economic viability of businesses in the Big Hole Valley. We envision a future of thriving individual communities in the valley that offer desired opportunities for visitors and residents to work, recreate, and enjoy an abundant life.
Take a seat at the table and assist with community program development. Volunteer for beautification projects, events, or help with marketing or fundraising. Simply join as a individual and volunteer in an area of community service that interests you.
Many community programs in the Big Hole Valley are supported solely by community fundraising and events. Big Hole Valley Association is a 501(c)(3). All community donations and sponsorships are considered tax deductible. Consider a Community Sponsorships in your annual giving this year.
Big Hole Valley Association offers Legacy Donations opportunities for programs, community beautification projects, and community improvement initiatives. Speak with a BHVA board member if you are interested in making a Legacy Donation in honor of your family or loved one.